Meet Me Mondays

Meet Me Mondays
Meet My Author Friends...Make Them Yours

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Please welcome Olivia Starke, author of paranormal erotic romance to the spotlight.   She’s multi-published, talented, and touts that she loves kink;)

I first met Olivia when writing an erotic romance novella was entirely new territory for me.  Olivia was there to help when I needed the scoop on if my story had the right 'heat level' and if it was suitable for publication.  Since then, we’ve swapped crits on occasion, and keep in touch on FB, she’s an author to watch!

Q1. Olivia, with over half a dozen works published, and more on the way, how do you balance your busy (and full) life with writing?

I squeeze writing in whenever (and where ever) possible! Some days it can be frustrating balancing the stress of managing a retail store with the demands of my muse. I am still learning balance, but I’ve gotten the year off to a great start with helping create a new series & being part of an anthology based on the 7 Deadly Sins.J

Q2.  Your latest, Familiar Desires, is part of a 1 Night Stand series from Decadent Publishing, please share what you can about the series.  How many authors are collaborating? Do you have more works in progress for this series? How did you come about that you began writing for the series?  

Oh I am super excited about this series, it’s always amazing when a publisher accepts your personal work. It’s tenfold when they fall in love with a series idea! Decadent Publishing is a fabulous publisher with big plans for the future. 1NightStand (1NS) got its start when Kate Richards, Valerie Mann, and I decided to get together and create an anthology based on a dating site idea. From that Madame Evangeline was born, the creator of the site, and though it’s called 1 Night Stand, Madame Eve has a happily ever after (or at least a happily for know) ending in mind for her daters and readers alike.

We took the idea to Decadent and they ran with it and decided to make it a series. Many more amazing authors are joining in on Madame’s fun, and the sky’s the limit for 1NS. J

Also, I’d like to add that me, Val, Kate, Stephanie Beck, Becca Dale, Keta Diablo, and Ashlynn Monroe, are in the final stages of creating an anthology based on the 7 Deadly Sins. We have plans of going Indie with it, so you’ll have to stay tuned on when it’ll be available. My sin is Lust and I have a steamy cougar love story in the works with, of course, a dash of paranormal thrown in. A little teaser—Bigfoot makes an appearance ;;)

Q3.  If you were to choose one of your published titles to suggest to a new reader of your work, which one would you choose and why?

I feel I am continuing to grow and improve my craft, so I’d have to say my latest creation, Familiar Desires, but I don’t as yet have a release date. Outside of that I still love Mind Games and A Sorcerer’s Pleasure. Those two were so much fun to write.
Q4.  Why do you write paranormal erotic romance? And, do you foresee writing for additional genres?

 I love the paranormal and for whatever reason writing erotic works for me. I’m a frank person so I like to be frank in my writing. As far as other genres I’m studying up on the 1920s and have plans for stories based in this era. I’ve always been drawn to antiques from the 20s and old silent movies from the time period. There is such a huge jump from the Victorian age to the Roaring 20s, it’s fascinating.

Q5.  What do you like most about writing erotic romance?

I love the idea that I’m not only creating a believable story to entertain readers, but I’m making them blush as well…

Q6. As authors, we aim to have a style and a voice that is unique to our name.  When we see OLIVIA STARKE on the cover, what can readers expect?

 A super spicy paranormal work and I’m starting to throw in surprise twists at the end starting with Familiar Desires.

****Prize Alert**** One lucky commenter (US resident due to snail mail issues) will receive a variety pack of Olivia’s promos.  Comment by Friday, February 18 at 9pm CST.
****BONUS DRAWING**** LIKE Kienna on Facebook and write on her wall that you read this blogpost, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a $10 BN eGiftCard or a Starbucks gift card. Deadline, Friday, February 18 at 9pm CST.


Kate Richards said...

Very nice, Olivia! I love all your covers so much and am thrilled to be working with you on both 1Night Stand and 7 Deadly Sins!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kate! {{luvnhugs}}

Hales said...

Very nice blog! Loved your post and I can't wait oh There's another series?

JM said...

What a great post! You're kind of everywhere, aren't you? Looking forward to the 1NS book.

Abigail-Madison Chase said...

Great interview the cover are really great!

Valerie Mann said...

Olivia always has the best paranormal ideas and her men are always....very hot. I personally recommend not choosing any one story to start with, just get all of them and have an Olivia marathon!

Dominique Eastwick said...

Great Inteview Olivia and I can not way to get my hands on the new 1NS sereies :)

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Interesting interview

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys for the awesome comments, you've all made my night!

Kathleen Ann Gallagher's Place to Reflect said...

Great interview! I would love to read a story from the Roaring 20's.

Unknown said...

WINNERS! Abigail-Madison Chase, YOU are the lucky winner of a prize package from Olivia Starke, we will contact you off-blog to obtain mailing information.

J.M. and Valerie, thanks so much for stopping by Kienna's facebook page, you have both won a prize. We will contact you with more information.

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